
Sunday, November 20, 2022

small talk

...doesn’t work for me. that’s why i needed to write. because it’s not always enough. if people asked how my life is going… “i’m good” won’t suffice my answer. not keeping in touch with people i used to talk a lot before my life now, sometimes pisses me off. i want to tell them every details and i want to know theirs, too. luckily, there is this thing called “acceptance” of all these things of all these changes and understand that life doesn’t stay the same everyday. 

"everyday is not the same."

it may seem like it is. but if we make the best of our days, it will be different. this may never be the same situation to many… but if you feel like you’ve been the same person or you’ve been in the same place or you haven’t been different or being yourself. that is not true. you are where you are for a reason. you are who you are because you need to understand something. life is never fair. ironically, it is what makes all life fair. because without low, there is no high and without day there is no night. you get the point right? another example, if there is no poor, what’s the point of being rich. light, dark? so if you haven’t been everywhere, and you see all these people traveling all the time, wait for your turn. because if you can’t travel, it’s not because of your environment, and it is not because of you or your circumstances, it’s because it should not happen to you YET! trust the process! you can’t be impatient. don’t cry for it, too. well, you can... but you know there is always a better way to cry. SWEAT! 

anyways, going back to having a small talk. i am having a big thought about it but incase this blog isn’t enough. wait for the next. thank you for reading. may this be beneficial to you or if not, then get a good sleep. it will give you super power.

Thanks, J

Thursday, November 3, 2022

people are nice...

politics isn’t. 

if you want to talk to me about politics, who’s better and who’s not, you’ll probably get an 8-year-old kid's answer. yes, i’m not into politics, that includes talking about it, let alone getting involve in it. let’s be honest, politics to me, is a game of power, authority and most of all, fame. oh, look! i just talked about it, haha! very ironic, because you just can't avoid it. even if you’re the most secluded person you know, as long as you are a person and you have an ears and a mind, and you try to deal with life in whichever you are living, you are in it.

the thing is… when we don’t like something, we can only express it and then do nothing about it. but that’s not to say, you don’t care. when you don’t like a person, or the way that person talks, doesn’t that mean you have invested an observation that made you not liking how that person talk? yeah! same goes with politics and everything that’s going around you.
when i say, people are nice, i don’t refer to their character or behavior. i am referring to the nature of their being. a sad person wasn’t born a sad baby. it’s the environment system on how that baby grow made him/her a sad person. 

writing this with a very open and expanded mind. i am considering everyone i know and everything i had known and most of all, my experiences and other people’s experience that 
have preoccupied me. in this way, i am seeing life far different 10 years ago.
“understanding” is the key… people has to do it because they have to. you can tell them your “right way” of thinking but to them, it might not be convenient, attainable, or even doable. things must be done because sometimes, they have no other choice and it’s their only choice, to move forward and sometimes, to survive in such situation.

so remember, underneath he/she is probably a nice person, most folks are. just understand. and just like you and me, we’re just doing what we think is best for us.

thank you for reading. <3