
Friday, August 4, 2017

coffee talk | why coffee!?

yeah. why people can't stop asking about this?


i love coffee. and let's stop arguing. oh we're not arguing. i am writing about this. literally, sharing my thoughts about coffee. no objections. but you can always leave a comment. feel free.

i have this really deep love and affection toward coffee. what happened was, i was always curious about my father's drinking it back then. i always look up to my father. i'm not going to call it daddy's girl thing but let's just say, i like hanging out with my father more that my mom. he is a coffee lover and and at that time i was very young. so young that i almost believe he will never let me drink coffee.

traditionally, coffees are for old people. if we have the same traditional belief then, good. it kinda installed into me till i found out i am able to sip it and be addicted to it, 'never my entire life'.  unintentionally, i can still remember i was doing my nursing curses at that time and i always hang-out with friends the whole entire day and come home to sleep ^_^ so, that's like the life i had for 2 years long. 2007-2009.

my friends were selected. i am nerd. loner. sensitive but warm and friendly. ahay! that's why they found me. so much so that most of them were 10 years older than me. selected.

they drink coffee.

and they don't care about me.

what i mean about they don't care about me is that, they treat me as if i'm in their ages. and i like that about them. i feel matured and experienced person. though i tried really hard to understand their perceptions about life. 

they drink coffee. they eat food. they go out. they enjoy.

so i drink coffee eventually. though i know it's almost like a taboo at home. i was around 18 or 19 when i realize i'm drinking coffee with beverages, like, crazy. i didn't care about its effects on me but what i knew was i liked the taste of it. i looked for it. i wanted it.

now, people around me start asking me. why coffee?

oh, before i forgot, it's been 2 years i'm trying to maintain black coffee. it's more beneficial. it's healthier. and it is what it is. a coffee.

also, i lived with russian and madagascar people. it's now mixed with tea and talks. 

p.s. the above thoughts are written 6 years ago. i just had the chance to post it now(Feb.11,2023). if you are reading this. please please please. WRITE! 

just write. i encourage you! it's like, writing yourself to the future you. the more you write the more you get to know yourself. 


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

coffee talk | we all make mistakes

kinda admit that this blog will somehow produce some mistake ideas along the way. what? way? which way? way in your disturbed mind.

ok, so i read this book - i am not going to call on because we aren’t close friend yet. but every book i read most are conversely recommended toward friends that are dear to me. most of them have rejected my offer just because i talked about it already and the excitement i gave to them during the promotion is just draining to their hearings. oh well i’m a good story teller. so i change the way i gush about the book i read, with a serious face and a right hand gestures, enough for them to get the surface value of what i am talking about. “hey. this book. it’s good”. a thumbs up and a little wink. “read it.” followed by an executive nod as if you are showing a respect to a president’s presence, should get them hooked. expecting to see them the next day and finally talk about it. “i told you, so.” (i’m not sure if i should put a comma between the word you and so). disclaimer is as important as breakfast.

in all honesty. because of this book i am currently reading, punched me right on the brain on my self-righteous sense of believing about my myself being right at something. i was wrong. and to pass this bad feelings you are wrong, too. and them. and all of us.

here’s the thing, if i write a hundreds of blogs and nobody ever tried to read it(which is why i keep writing) and to others, this idea of writing a blog without the reader, just didn’t make sense because what for is the blog without a reader? first of all, why do they even care if i don’t have a reader. i have one reader and critic. and that is me (the supportive side of me).

so i’m gonna talk about making mistakes. 

i failed at something and it was my mistake. but what is the other option? own it. learn from it. and learning from it doesn’t necessarily make you do the right thing. it will only lead you to do less mistake. and lesser and lesser(and i haven’t done it right so, i am not going to conclude yet). 

the truth is, everybody make mistakes, everybody lies, everybody cheated on someone or some test(i did it once, when the proctor went out, and i glanced on google. it was his fault). somewhere along a friendship or a relationship or a familyship(really?) had accused someone mistakenly because they thought they’re right. no. actually they only have right to feel accusing somebody(for emotional purposes) but actually, the accusation was all wrong, they’re just being subjective(unless the proof was practically proven).

as simple as this title goes. we all make mistakes. and if you don’t make mistakes, YOU ARE NOT HUMAN. if you disagree. then there you go, you just made your first mistake.
