
Monday, December 29, 2014

coffee talk | and when it rains

Courtesy of Malang, Indonesia. Day caption. skyscraper.
Night Caption.

here, where i am located, in a small town of malang, rain is on and off. the touches of wind, pats us here and there. the sunshine’s merely presence. and oh, it just can’t get my clothes dry off. bad! :((

one of the things i like in this town is its cool weather. proud to be its resident, once a upon a time. it’s just so sad about the fact that i can’t be forever here. sooner or later, i’ll be stepping out of its bound. now, this reminds me of the first time i came. ok. ok. no drama. sorry. moving on, i may not know the specific date and time but one thing i’m pretty sure of is that, i’ll be leaving soon. a year or more. and yes, as a matter of fact, i’m counting. omg!

it’s been years of fruitful memories and meaningful stay in malang. enough for me to write a whole bunch of experiences and goodies about it. i don’t pressure myself, so ok, not now. L A T E R ! InshaAllah.

i can’t talk much about my educational status, because i really do respect differences. i am here for a purpose. not only for education. i may not be graduating on time, but it’s not an issue with me anymore. but see, i’m counting. haha! lots and lots of thanks to those who keep on asking, ‘when am i going to finish and go home’. you guys are just an awesome inspirations to me. BIG thanks.

one day, i’ll look back and mesmerize good things and good people i’ve met. and that bad things and bad people(no bad people, it’s just 'hard to understand people') are the tests. blessings in disguise, i call it. because there’s no any other way to sincerely improve our character without dealing out from these difficulties. then, Allah will put us in a difficult situations with difficult people so we could reflect on them. it’s just so mashaAllah, because we have no control over everything that’s happening to our everyday life and in the future. that Someone up THERE is in charge over everything. bad and good. but look, thinking of it over-all and i’m really happy with everything. EVERYTHING.

the last thing i’d love to have in this blog, that i will surely be thinking after all these ups and downs, is the saying “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”. saaaaay!! :))

i love rains (not storm). till next. Salam everyone.




Monday, October 13, 2014

coffee talk | GOAL!!!

everyone of us has a goal. you’re certain of it or not. you do want to finish that thing on your mind on time. what’s yours? clean up your room? homework? finish up a book? whatever. we are talking about something you want to finish. certain/uncertain time.

here’s most exciting part of this blog. if you are a student and easily be distracted of anything. sort of me. i will share some of the ways that helped me keep on track to finish a goal and here's how it works:

1. clean up the study area. i mean organize. bags on carpet. books on the bed. pillows everywhere(i've tinies by the way) all kinds of electronic switches under the table(mobile phone charger, laptop charger, tv switch, printer, speaker etc. etc).

2. turn on the heater. coz we're about to blow up some black coffEE can't bEE. what a rhyme :D  but girl, gotta have one. i HAVE TO. it's like, a crazy need. then stay smelly and we're both good. i'm not gonna touch you ^_^ not now. yow coffee.

3. turn on the digital wall frame on a moving water fall with the sound of a kinda resort lake side with twits of birds. Staring at it and listens to the sound it produces both gives a relaxing effects. and by the way, it's right on my table. because i'm facing the wall.

4. my laptop. followed by my speaker, given by a friend. i loved it forever. :)

5. play selected musics in a very low volume. it really helps me. try it. i'll give you some, “you are the one” by raef. and when your eyes is exhausted, the best music to play is "open your eyes" by maher zain.

6. the table clock. make sure it faces you. you watch it all the time and you'll see how time RUNS like a flash.

7. turn off internet. this works on me like insane. you'll finish your priorities greatly.

8. if a friend asks you to go out for a coffee or just going somewhere. don't think twice. say NO. period.

i can't believe i'm writing about this. because you know, i'm the busiest person i've ever known as of this moment as far as i realize i can hardly sleep 4 hours long. and i think i can’t do anything about that. now, that i’ve realize i’ve wasted most of my time before. awful. but you know, it’s just a matter of going through pasts. *wink hard.

“productive Muslim don’t quit!”
good luck everyone!



Friday, September 26, 2014

coffee talk | one of those days :D

It’s Jum'3a...

it’s not. it’s thursday. september 25, 2014. 2pm. at kuningan city mall, jakarta. Raef. mall show. greet and meet him. ok. then i saw him, live. had a chit-chat for a while… then inspired. ^_^

no  words (or doesn’t wanna share :P).

a (became a) fan



Tuesday, August 19, 2014

coffee talk | ups and downs

everyday is different. but i love the way it gives us surprises, plural. can't wait to tell you more about this blog.

well, today is "whaaaaaat" day for me. can't put it in words. you say i'm over reacting, yeah... i got it. but you will never have this feelings. maybe you do but O.M.G. yes maybe you do. but as i've told you, can't put it in words right?! so here i go. writing about it. haven't said it though.

snap! i'm just not gonna tell you the whole story(wink + wide smile) i can't. it's too overwhelming. haha. but i have something for you. the feeling (MASHAALLAH!).

have you ever... been... into a situation where you've tried everything for something but it didn't turn out the way you wanted it?! DOWN! depression! what else? deep sighs. then you give it up. okay. move on!

...then, this feeling came. unexpected! unbelievable! un...un...un... indescribable? this life is full of surprises. i should tell you!!!! you'll have your own one day, and that's for sure. i don't think i'm making a point here. okay so let me give you a hint. the universe have done something to me today that i've never expected AT ALL.

funny, ridiculous or whatever you call it. that someone ignores you (totally, with a taste of snob but you can't ignore them back because they were in a high position), now begs you. because we can't put ourselves up. we just can't.

Allah is the greatest. cliche but a reminder.

thank you to Mr.J-hang-up(i'll name him). you just made my day. :))))



Wednesday, July 30, 2014

coffee talk | once in a while

once in a while, you just decide to not to do anything but breath. inhale. exhale. stare out. sunset. then twilight. and i tell you, this is just once in a while. or let's put it in this phrase "once in a blue moon"...huhuhu!

recently, i am so worried every time i got free time. like, what am i going to do to atleast fill it with worth things sort of that. but i tell you what... i think it's not a crime to atleast waste 4 hours sitting and (i hate to say it but) think. not again. but yeah. it's meditating. unwind mental stress. just for a veeeeery little while. i promise. then you go back to world. sweet!!

because time is not stopping and(i think) nobody can do that(ever!) my once in a while ends here. and yours also, will. You’ll see.

Spreading good vibes, inshaAllah. Salam.




Tuesday, July 22, 2014

coffee talk | so sick - new-yow

okay. i was officially sick.

it all started the day before yesterday, when i woke up from 6 am with a severe tummy ache. i thought i had just slept too soon after eating suhur(eating before dawn for ramadhan practice). so i shrugged it off and tried to go back to sleep. "tried" is really the word because my trying got me nowhere, and my tummy ache just getting more severe. to cut a long story short, too many vomit spells and (excuse me for what i am about to type, please don't say "eew", "yuuck", or "kadiri", because we are all humans and it is but normal - haha!) poo-ing spells later. i found my self taking a glass of water to atleast rehydrate myself and took some medicine(yes, i gotta cut off my fasting). through the day i was doing the whole cycle. as a result, the pain in my stomach goes away dramatically but ow i am as weak as weak can be.

asking help? nope! they're just gonna suggest me to go hospital. and i really don't like the idea. i gotta help my self up and get back to normal before things are gonna get worst. just no hospital. end of talk. good thing i have strong belief in my meds(from philippines), Alhamdulillah! i got better.

now that i can able to sit upright, not being disturb by the feeling of "calls of nature", i gotta write about this because of the fact that this was my very first experience in my whole entire life in such serious severe stomach pain featuring vomits. vomits. thinking of those disgusting throw ups - hoping it won't happen again. ever! 

i got nothing to do, i'm weak. i'm bored. i can't call my sister :( i got back pain also for laying back in an improper way not knowing i'm falling asleep for minutes without moving.

but between those awakened eyes (half size to be exact) and an ears to atleast grasp some sound, i decided to do some usual habits. my all time favorite, watching nouman ali khan's videos and tried to reflect and have fun to his personal advices(which is truly a reality). this is actually the main purpose of this blog (for some people who doesn't know him yet - youtube him. i don't think if that's the right term, but he's got good lectures uploaded in youtube).

here are some points i have learned from his lecture entitled "shame". (imagine a zombie-like on her laptop, taking[typing]notes). from part 1 until part 11 and every video file have approximately 30 mins to play.

so, here it goes:
1. shame(haya) is not a dominant subject in the Quran. rather, al-fakhsha (shamelessness)
2. clothing is part of revelation (it's a divine gift). clothes covers our shame.
3. shaitan wants for humans is to get humiliated.
4. shaitan whispers over and over and over and over again(it's waswasa in arabic) until he gets us.
5. shaitan's ultimate purpose was to get clothes remove from our parents(adam and eve).
6. nudity is called ugliness in the Quran.
7. something has corrupted in our nature if we are tempted with nudity(because Allah created adam and eve and clothed them, and that's our nature).
8. christian perception is that eve tempted adam. the Quran teach us they're both being done waswas at the same time so she is not to blame.
9. adam and eve are two of the most beautiful human beings because all beauty of humanity is actually genetically by product of adam and eve.
10. dressing nicely is part of appreciating Allah's gift.
11. the ultimate outfit we can wear is the clothing of protecting one's self from Allah's disobedience.
12. taking full attention during prayer(salat) is dressing-well. that's being conscious of The One  that's gonna be looking at you during prayer.
13. don't do anything too much (cliche), it could lead to shamelessness.
14. Allah made us when we don't know ourselves. so intentions are transparent to Him.
15. we can do wonderful things to internet but it has great great harm to humanity too(haram stuffs).
16. when you don't know how to control your thoughts it could lead to shamelessness.
17. zina of the eyes will kill us spiritually. we will not be able to pray properly, there will be no baraka in our life.
18. eyes where not given to us to disobey Allah.
19. listening to/saying filthy words conjures filthy in minds.
20. anything that is ugly behaviors is consider fakhsha.
21. Allah says: "if you loose your shame, every other shame is easy"
22. something is missing in our prayer if we are not watching over our gazes(the use of our eyes inappropriately).
23. there's no such thing a bad time to remember Allah. it's a free schedule.
24. shamelessness can be a form of anything, so long as your common sense says it leads to shamelessness/evil.
25. its practically impossible to seek 4 witness in an adultery action. wisdom: Allah does not want these sorts of cases to become public conversations.
26. there are people that well-educated and everything else but when it comes to decency they're as jahil as a monkey
27. if you don't have work ethics then you can't talk about marriage(for males)
28. in islam, we don't judge people, we judge action. what you and i do is wrong.
29. hallumma and ta'3la means "come on" and "come on up".
30. ...anything short of the best to your parents is haram. (tafseer, Al-'An'am: 151)
31. ...don't go NEAR (any form of) shamelessness (translation, Al-'An'am: 151)
32. murder and zina are equal crimes before Allah. because it's both kind of killing body(murder) and soul(zina).
33. the christians think that intimacy and love is against spiritually so they create monasticism.
34. whatever Allah has is better, and is gonna lasts longer. these are thoughts of the people who truly believe when they refuse temptations.
35. everything starts out innocence before you gets to shamelessness.
36. free times shouldn't be used in useless activities. instead find things that make your self a better person.
37. overload courses during college. be buried under work. free times destroy young men. shaitan strikes there.
38. having a job, having a tough life, and load work a day will save your life. don't just seat around.
39. start fresh (forget everything from temptations after realizing the wrong deeds) for real tawba.
40. youth are impulsive(not thinking through things). in islamic perspective, youth is where the first time they will truly have to control themselves.
41. wisdom is not looking at what is happening right now, it's looking at the consequences of one's decision.
42. just because you have knowledge, it doesn't mean you are smart. and wisdom is something else.
43. funny(practical and kinda effective) advices from nouman to young guys who wants to stay away from fitna: "grow an ugly beard"(and he thumbs it up. hilarious!:D)

and by the way, i think this is my most favorate blog post i had so far. looking at the number lists i had put into writing, oh man! i love this talk. i love nouman, may Allah preserve him and his family.

so there. the end. i can write more and more things i've heard and listen to (not noticing it was this long) and i think this post is long enough. i am officially not sick anymore. and now after clicking the publish button, i might get sick again. hope not. but hey, at least i did something productive(reminders). hope you'll get something from reading and i don't mind if you share this to others too. talk about it and inshaAllah we'll all get the reward. peace! 



Saturday, July 19, 2014

coffee talk | my ramadhan 2012, 2013 and 2014 sum up!!!

it’s been years. at magtatagalog tayo rito kasi 3 years na po. i just MISSED HOME for RAMADHAN SOOO BAD!! di mo aakalain makakaya mo. usually, I DON’T REALLY CARE! but deep inside, you just feel it. like feel man! uhm i don’t think you know what i’m saying unless we are in the same sits.

one of the reason i want to blog about this is my realizations of "wow! Naka-survive tayo ah!" and that means, bilang na ang mga araw natin dito(5 years to count). sad to think though!! ang drama!
moreover, unlike my ramadhan at home it’s always alike year after year. traditional kasi. here, a year is different from the previous one. that’s why it's big deal. Excitiiiiing!

not in my ramadhan 2012, because not much to say about it. it’s my most effortless ramadhan(tsk,tsk,tsk). those first years here(indonesia), you feel like, you still don’t know what to do(newbie spotted!). you’ve got bunch of friends but they’re “what now guys?” also. ok, so “kain na lang tayo sa labas for iftar?” ganun. they'd all agree! wala rin gimmick kasi holidays. then you survive. SOOO much happiness. sighs!

then here goes ramadhan 2013. just like in the philippines (wow, may "the" na ngayon), meron din tayong tinatawag na community service for sophomores students, requirement for internship later on in your study. ang lupit, tumira kami sa rural. we clean up an abandoned small madrasa(classroom) and tried to survive for weeks. and we did. for the details of what had happened everyday, hah! better left unsaid. ayaw mong malaman. sure ako.

below, is one of our community service picture taking. bigay todo ang pose!! ^_^

credits to the image editor, ainul fikriya. it just implies what-an-old-days-eh!
Meet, from left side: aina(my sister, who is having a vacation also so why not join the cult), raissa(ma dude, a biology student who happen to be, not-that-close-to-me but we are awesome buddies. a malagasy!), fikriya(an indonesian university-mate who is taking sharia law), me, fatima(my hilarious roommate without her realizing it. a russian sweetheart, that catches the eyes of everyone because of her personality impact she wore. not much to say about that, she might be reading this at this moment! pravda?) and via(another indonesian groupmate. she’s in psychology).

and for ramadhan 2014(drum roll!), Alhamdulillah it just going well! (except wala si sistery aina sa first weeks, bad shots!).

best ramadhan so far. well, well, well kasi naman,
-we had a temporary kitchen right next to our room na sana wag muna nila(dormitory authorities) ipa ayos kasi feel na feel namin ang pagkakaron ng kitchen. cooking. pampalipas ng oras! Bonding together as well!
-got much time. end of semester(that means, no assignments or projects or whatsoever). and that means, i got much time in devoting to this Holy month inshaAllah! God bless us all!

...and before I forgot. Allah bless libyan friends who just shared a food last night! it’s not the day of Eid yet but it seems like it is because of the greatness of the size of the food. THANKS (THAT’S) A LOT!!!! terrific jaw fall!

so i’ll end this up by saying… i had a great time putting up aaall this in a short one. hindi mo aakalain. we are survivors mga kapatiiid. and the experience we had is an experience that will enrich us through next ramadhan. catch you 2015 inshaAllah!! 



coffee talk | it's a disaster

...that everything is blowing up. you open your laptop. went to yahoo news and here goes malaysian, airplane, crash, missile, shot, ukraine, russia bla bla bla. tags are massive enough to make you read one article. then felt it was horrible. for the dead bodies, to their families, to the unknown tragedy if it was an accident or some another terrorist act (quote and quote). may Allah bless their souls. 

couldn't say any further about it(as if i had to). let's just hope for the complete establishment of facts regarding this tragedy and found out who gets the blame. then what?! next target?!




Friday, July 18, 2014

coffee talk | What‘s happenin’???

changes, one of the three sure thing in this world.
life isn't something routinary, predictable, or graspable.. it'll only be that if we do not allow ourselves to still be surprised.

so, i wanna surprise myself for the next awesome years later and that is why i have a few things here that surprised me from my previous years and that includes: 

me, being independent. And what I mean independent here is living on my own (away from parents) decide on my own (without asking them)… you know that sort of thing when you want to do something and you feel like you have to approach them first before hand ‘cause they’re gonna make you feel so bad if you made the wrong one?!(haha! I’m just really careful of disappointing them, that much) 

eating habit. i cook. yes, it’s not mistyped but I do. most of it were greens, like crazy. couldn’t end up buying goods from market without a friend insuring “have you got your greens?” :D 

my isolation. back then i was such an unknown-creation. not being fun of socializing (because of priorities in school), the go-ahead-i’ll-follow excuse lines, the i’ll-be-cleaning-the-house-just-don’t-make-me-attend-the-party. sort of these things. until i found myself being oh-yeah-sure-i'll-come and why-you-didnt-told-me?-i-should-have-come. now! Life rocks.

my journalistic-talent-talk to my Abe(father). that every afternoon tea session of his day, setting on our table and i, telling him every detail that happens on me at that day, then he picks out outstanding deeds i had, then tells me to get rid off of the bad ones along with his holy advices. now that I’m oceans away. sigh!

sleeping habit. because even if i read a lot during the night, no ome(mother) is gonna patrol the house (seems to me) like a commander in chief, “it’s 11 already! drop your books(or what ever it is your doing) and go to your bed, NOW!” – salute! funny to think though!

friends. that friend that you share your almost YOU, life, family, other friends, problem, secrets(secrets), ups and downs, new life stories, future. haay ho! greatness!!! and the friends at this moments, chill-out-no-pressure amigas!! changes.

you'll never know! let’s just hope it’s all for the best. keep prayin’. GOD loves us all!




Thursday, July 17, 2014

coffee talk | studying with all the distractions

I have come up to write this one because of an impact. can't study well. you know that techy books(java programming, specifically) you gotta understand, in a double ways. it’s a torture to the brain…  plus these distractions (plural). you had your prayers. set up your table. smoky hot cup of coffee(hmmm). deep breath-ins. and start to read. then, “jooooooooo?” a voice approaching, phone rings seconds after seconds, my eyes on my little reminder wall, zooming a to-do lists paper, then a noise of a concert from another laptop. so you stand up and stretch a little bit (showing some annoyance move, hope they won’t notice)… walk across the room, get some air. somewhere that does have. keep on telling your mind, go back to your seat and continue reading… and oh, screams on the other room :( what on earth??!?

this is a battlefield. and i’ll keep going! (Allah Ma3ana!)



Wednesday, July 16, 2014

coffee talk | Thinking is harmful

these past few days i just realize that i had wasted soo much time thinking. because you're gonna think about those time you didn't think. what? yes, like what was i doing? hmm. and you keep on doing that crazy combination of the eyes and eyebrows curve plus taping on your chin. hah! can't hardly recall.

the next morning you wake up and you found yourself... ENOUGH! we gotta keep moving! no time for thinking. take your prayer and move on. life doesn't stop and wait for you to make up your mind.

Thanks God i had this blog. when you have that thought, and you know even though nobody knows, He and the virtual world is giving you some worth things to do. yow right? to the universe. ^_^



Wednesday, July 2, 2014

coffee talk | kick-offs

so, here we start out a little introductions about me.

"BismillahirRahmanirRahiim" yes, i am a Muslim and Alhamdulillah for that, period.

anyway, my very first blog finally yey! though i had to make drafts before posting it(revelation!). well, i’m not a writer, just so you know. so in case you spot any mistakes(because i’m pretty sure you’re going to) you can email me, i’ll be please to consider it.

so here we go, an introduction of “i”. not completely stated but, enough for you to figure out something (wink!)

i, love to read (fiction books when i was a kid, good books, self-help books in my early 20’s,  non-fiction books at present)
i love to write notes from what i’ve read (just for keeps, love re-reading it, aha!)
i love art (by all means)
i love to put up my surroundings in light colors (specially sky blue)
i love watches (wrist watch, table watch, yeah wall clock also, and don’t ask me, because idk why)
i love heights (for real!)
i love peanuts (yeah!)
i love coffee (this is supposed to be secret but yeah, friends will question me if didn’t mention about this)
i hate debates (particularly me on the spot, if you share a thoughts then i’ll be glad you did so)
i hate having free time (specially when there’s nothing to do, I’m a workaholic)
i hate having many gadgets (i want all in one)
i hate bringing lots of stuff (when traveling)
i don’t capture much photos in such place (friends, background identification of place and that’s it)
i watch movies (many to mention, series, not that much)
i love old songs (no specific artist and title, you sing with it!)

i love this feeling, writing. because at some point you know that somewhere, somehow, someday, someone is going to read this (and hopefully leave a comment) and be part of the way i, s/he finds a way in a relax mood despite all the stress.

I love PEACE! And we all do! 
