
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

coffee talk | kick-offs

so, here we start out a little introductions about me.

"BismillahirRahmanirRahiim" yes, i am a Muslim and Alhamdulillah for that, period.

anyway, my very first blog finally yey! though i had to make drafts before posting it(revelation!). well, i’m not a writer, just so you know. so in case you spot any mistakes(because i’m pretty sure you’re going to) you can email me, i’ll be please to consider it.

so here we go, an introduction of “i”. not completely stated but, enough for you to figure out something (wink!)

i, love to read (fiction books when i was a kid, good books, self-help books in my early 20’s,  non-fiction books at present)
i love to write notes from what i’ve read (just for keeps, love re-reading it, aha!)
i love art (by all means)
i love to put up my surroundings in light colors (specially sky blue)
i love watches (wrist watch, table watch, yeah wall clock also, and don’t ask me, because idk why)
i love heights (for real!)
i love peanuts (yeah!)
i love coffee (this is supposed to be secret but yeah, friends will question me if didn’t mention about this)
i hate debates (particularly me on the spot, if you share a thoughts then i’ll be glad you did so)
i hate having free time (specially when there’s nothing to do, I’m a workaholic)
i hate having many gadgets (i want all in one)
i hate bringing lots of stuff (when traveling)
i don’t capture much photos in such place (friends, background identification of place and that’s it)
i watch movies (many to mention, series, not that much)
i love old songs (no specific artist and title, you sing with it!)

i love this feeling, writing. because at some point you know that somewhere, somehow, someday, someone is going to read this (and hopefully leave a comment) and be part of the way i, s/he finds a way in a relax mood despite all the stress.

I love PEACE! And we all do! 



  1. "because at some point you know that somewhere, somehow, someday, someone is going to read this" ok, now I am your biggest fan. The subscribe button didn't work T.T

    1. Hi, Onetwothree. it's new year and it's probably late to respond you. i'm psyched to know my instict worked ^^ so much stuff had happened. also, i'm not sure if i have a subscribe button but i'll work on it, inshaAllah. Salam!
