
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

coffee talk | the long lost blogger

i was in whatsApp when one of my friend screenshotted my very latest blog and sent it to me.

i was struck and slapped right in the face.

and here i am. unstoppable and excited to share some thoughts of what has been going on for a very long time.

here are few highlight of what's been happening the past months(aaaakh! it's been far too long, and i don't even know where to start.)

1. two of my sister came over to visit us in indonesia. i wish i can express how much i really enjoyed their visit and our trips together. it's ecstatic! i would love to have them again and plan for trips with them. it's worth to preserve those memories. *sigh! 

2. i went home. i needed a break. from everything. my mind was so occupied i even stopped doing my thesis on process.(don't worry i'm back) things i should ponder because they were important and may find answer at distant.

3. i am gaining weight, big time! 6 pounds in 2 months. well, some will argue that i am having the ideal weight for my height, some have said "hey, you need to lose some weight" really, it's a big deal. back home is like a year of eating party. plus, my brother in law just came from saudi arabia. chocolates. yey! choco-gain. not bragging about the fact that my family, cousins and friends everywhere are monster eaters and to think they are considering me as "lost in pounds" because i don't eat the same food after years of living away from home.

4. i find it hard to count our philippine money. heeeerk! everytime i go out, buy something, eat somewhere, pay for fares. i. just. need. someone. with. me. a chaperon. it's a vacation at home. i don't want to think about this stuff while having my big stuff ahead. let the chaperon do it's job. haha!

5. lost a usb flash drive for the 6th times. i'm such a keeper. but flash drives are just exceptional. if things get seriously continue like this, i would invent a flash drive that would crawl back to me everytime i push that button. aaah, human will steel it.

6. went on to a one day adventure with my fam. zip line is the catch! the experience is just wonderful. it's extremely good.

7. spent a week in manila before leaving. my sister and i pull off some side trips and we enjoyed it a lot! i'm so thankful for her company. i'll never forget it. 

8. no rest after a fly. i arrived in indonesia and within the week i need to exhaust myself on another trips for our friend visiting the country. tasnim. it's been 4 years from the last time i saw her. i'm glad that she came. reunited but then separated again. i didn't cry though. no hugs. i'm not good at it too. 

9. stories that untold.

thank you for reading. i hope to be blogging more regularly now!

2017. YOU ARE MINE! 


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